Ever heard of a bubbly healthy baby who was suddenly found dead in his crib while sleeping? Scary as that may sound, a whopping 28.1% of babies die this way in the US yearly, making this condition the 3rd most common cause of death in infants.

Sudden Infant death Syndrome is the sudden and unexpected death of a baby younger than 1 year old. Most babies who die from SIDS are usually between 1 and 6 months old. These babies mostly die while sleeping in their cribs, hence it is also called "crib death" or "cot death". 
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Unfortunately, no exact causes have been found. However, researchers have found that some babies may be predisposed to having SIDS. These babies may have some genetic predisposition, some brain defects or breathing problems.

Who is at risk of having SIDS?

  • Babies, usually between 1 and 6 months of age
  • Males are more affected than females
  • Babies who are exposed to second hand smoking are at an increased risk.
  • Babies who lie on their bellies while sleeping
  • Babies with respiratory tract infections.
  • Pre-term babies
  • Babies who sleep in hot bedrooms
  • Babies who sleep on soft surfaces or have toys in their cribs
  • Co- sleeping with babies also increases risk of SIDS

How can I prevent SIDS?
 The following can help reduce your baby's chances of having SIDS.
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- Adequate prenatal care : While pregnant, ensure you have regular antenatal visits, prevent smoking, alcohol or substance abuse. Eat healthy and take prenatal vitamins regularly.

- Put baby to sleep on the back : Your baby should be placed to sleep on the back, at least until when your baby can roll over. Also, avoid putting toys, or other objects in your baby's crib as these pose a suffocation hazard. The mattresses should also be firm and flat as overly soft/ fluffy beddings may also increase the risk of SIDS.

- Do not co- sleep with your baby :  Your little one is so cute and peaceful and it's understandable why you cant resist the urge to cuddle your baby while it sleeps. However, co- sleeping increases the chances of blocking your baby's tiny nostrils, or causing re-breathing of carbondioxide that could be harmful to your baby. It's advisable to sleep in the same room as your baby as this helps you observe and feed him easily, but your baby is a lot safer in his/ her crib or bassinet. 
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- Do not Smoke or abuse substances : Second hand smoking increases the risk of SIDS and has also been associated with other health problems in babies.

Regulate the room temperature: Babies sleep best at room temperatures between 68 and 72*F. Do not overheat the room while your baby is asleep. Also, avoid overdressing your baby or covering his head while he's asleep.

- Breastfeeding, Immunization and use of pacifiers have also been found to reduce the risk of SIDS.


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