KIDNEY FAILURE by Dr. Anita Chika Nwankpa


A few months ago, we woke up to the news of the death of one of Nigeria's finest actors from kidney failure. We have seen several Nigerians, including celebrities been aired on the media, soliciting for financial assistance for kidney transplants. Perhaps, you may have heard the word "dialysis" or, sadly, lost someone to kidney failure.

Kidney failure is increasingly common these days and increasing rates of non-communicable diseases (eg. diabetes and hypertension) only serve to further increase the occurrence of kidney failure. In view of it's importance, we'll be discussing the causes, symptoms, signs and preventive measures for kidney failure. The kidneys are a pair of organs shaped like beans but much bigger. Each kidney is about the size of a fist and it is located in the abdomen. The kidneys perform vital functions in the body, which include, the excretion of waste, formation of urine and production of hormones. When the kidneys are damaged,those wastes accumulate in the body and cause uncomfortable symptoms.

Why do the kidneys fail?

Some of these factors may cause the kidneys to fail:
  1. Medical conditions: The kidneys can be damaged by medical illnesses like diabetes or hypertension, if not properly managed can result in kidney failure.
  2.  Use of herbal medications: A common but deadly myth is that herbal medications have no side effects. This notion is false and has led to the demise of many. Most herbs and drugs are excreted by the kidney and when they can not be eliminated, some of them accumulate in, and damage the kidneys. In the African setting, patent medicine dealers peddle herbal concoctions with unknown contents and claim these herbal mixtures have no side effect. They go around hawking various herbal formulations claiming that one single herb 'cures' hypertension, diabetes, weak erection, arthritis, sexually transmitted infections, etc. may be causing severe damages to one's kidneys in a very short while. Consequently, kidney failure has reportedly been on the increase. .
  3. Some drugs: Some drugs especially when abused or taken for long periods without keeping your physician informed  can damage the kidneys. Examples of such drugs include some pain killers (NSAIDS), antibiotics (gentamycin, amikacin), and drugs used to treat tuberculosis; may damage the kidneys.
  4. Diseases of the kidneys: Kidney Infections, cancers affecting the kidneys, or blockage of the kidneys (eg. kidneys stones) may cause the kidneys to fail.
  5. Mecury-containing cosmetics: (eg Bleaching creams and soaps) Ladies, you might want to reduce their use of body soaps and creams containing skin lightening agents such as Mercury as they may cause harm to the kidneys
  6. Others: e.g. excessive bleeding, infections, and reduced fluid intake may cause the kidneys to fail for a short while. If these are however addressed immediately,the kidneys can start functioning normally again.

How do I know if I have kidney failure?

Someone with kidney failure may not have any symptoms until the kidneys have been seriously damaged.Symptoms often appear when there is considerable damage. These symptoms may have include:
  • Swelling of the legs, tummy and/ or  face 
  • Body weakness
  • Weight loss
  • Confusion
  • Pale look
  • Body itching
  • Convulsions
  • A certain odour in the breathe
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Irregular menstruation 
  • Reduced sexual appetite/ drive

Can kidney failure be prevented?

Yes! One can reduce the chances of having kidney failure by:
  1. Drinking lots of water
  2. Reduce your salt intake.
  3. Eat healthy. Lots of fruits and vegetables will do you a world of good.
  4. Good control of you blood pressure and blood sugar by having regular checkups and taking your medications as prescribed by your doctor.
  5. Promptly treating infections of the urinary tract. For instance,if u notice pains during or after urination, see a doctor immediately!
  6. Beware of herbal medications no matter how tempting it is. EVERYTHING HAS SIDE EFFECTS (including water). Never take any medication which has no warning about possible side effects especially if the retailer claims it cures all diseases. 
  7. Ensure you have a doctor's prescription especially when buying drugs you haven't taken before.

What can be done for someone who has kidney failure?

If you suspect someone may have kidney failure, get the person to the hospital immediately. If caught in the early stages, kidney damage can often be reversed to their normal state. However, if the kidney damage is of a long duration, measures will be put in place to prevent it from getting worse. In some cases dialysis is needed to temporarily perform the work of the kidneys (removing the wastes from the body using diffusion) in order to buy time for the kidneys to recover. In advanced cases, dialysis may become the permanent solution or a kidney transplant (a surgery done to replace the failed kidney with that of a donor) may be necessary if feasible.

When in doubt call or see a doctor. Stay healthy and wise. 


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